How to add pockets to a skirt or dress

No pockets? No problem! Learn how to add pockets to any skirt or dress!
As long as your skirt or dress has a side seams, you can add pockets to your skirt or dress. The instructions shown below are with a woven cotton fabric garment and pocket. Please take into consideration that if the fabric of your garment frays easily, this project might not be suitable.
We've included our pocket sewing pattern for free for you to use. Download the Lizzy Pocket free sewing pattern here. The Lizzy Pocket PDF includes assembly instructions and 2 pattern pages to assemble. The Lizzy Pocket is the big pocket of your dreams - designed to comfortably fit phones and keys without them falling out!
Fabric suggestions: one of the fun things about this project is choosing the pocket material! Choose a material that is a similar weight and structure to the original garment. It can either be a complementary or contrasting in colour or pattern - it's up to you! Adding pockets is also a great scrap busting project too.
Fabric required: 42cm / 17” wide (crosswise grain, before folded) x 53cm / 21” high (lengthwise grain).
Lets get started!
Fold your pocket fabric in half and cut out out 2 pairs of pocket pieces (4 pieces in total).

Try your skirt or dress on inside out and mark the top of where you want your pocket to sit with either a pin or fabric chalk. You may also find it useful to wear a garment that has pockets in a position you like under the skirt or dress as a guide if you can.

Lay the pocket pattern or piece onto the garment and mark where the bottom of the pocket will be.
Carefully unpick the seam between these markers and add an additional 1 inch at both ends. The garment you are using will most likely have a narrow seam allowance, so you need to unpick carefully to maintain the integrity of the fabric so you can work with it successfully.

Turn garment right side out. With right sides of the garment and pocket pieces together, match a pair of pockets to the garment by pinning in place to either side of the seam opening.
Attach the pocket to the skirt by sewing 1/8" further into the seam allowance than the original seam line on all 4 pocket pieces. Press open.
Finish this edge with either an overlocker (without trimming) or a zigzag stitch.

Turn the garment wrong side out and match pockets right side together and at the notch.
Starting from an additional inch from the where you unpicked the seam at the top and bottom of the pocket, sew the pockets together. Start by sewing along the original garment's seam to a point that is 1.5cm / 5/8" inside from the top/bottom edge of the pocket. This will allow you to follow the 1.5cm / 5/8" seam allowance added to the pocket piece. Sew around the pocket. Backstitch at the garment-to-pocket corners for reinforcement.
Press open. Finish this edge with either an overlocker (without trimming) or a zigzag stitch.
Turn garment right side out and press pocket opening, it should be hidden slightly from the extra 1/8" taken in from the seam when it was attached to the garment. Trim any loose threads.
Download your Lizzy Pocket free sewing pattern here.
Happy sewing!