About Honey & Rose

Hello! My name is Rose and I’m the indie designer and creator of the made to order clothing, sewing patterns and journal that is Honey & Rose.
Based in the beautiful Blue Mountains of NSW, Darug and Gundungurra Country of Australia, I have a passion for designing and creating clothing for women in a range of lengths to make them feel confident and empowered as they go about their daily lives in clothing that actually fits them.
A little about me
When my Mum taught me how to sew around the age of 18, I mostly started out making skirts and loved being able to make something in a fabric that no one else would have.
I pursued a career as a graphic designer and later completed an online sewing and pattern drafting course to gain new skills and haven’t looked back since. I learnt how to combine my knowledge of graphic design, my new pattern drafting skills and passion for sewing for my own personal projects.
Honey & Rose Sewing Patterns
Fast forward to around 2018 when I discovered the world of indie patterns and PDF patterns - my eyes were opened to a world that combined all of my passions. I couldn't wait to get started drafting my own patterns and create my own label.
I started researching sizing and drafting my basic pattern block in multiple sizes. I took it to a range of friends and family to try on my basic pattern block dress and found common issues and adjustments that they also had with ready-to-wear garments and I was excited to work on my sizing to reflect the real women in my life - and so Honey & Rose was born!
Every Honey & Rose sewing pattern has been tested with an amazing group of sewists with different skill levels, international locations and covering a range of sizes at both ends of the size range that Honey & Rose covers.
Honey & Rose Made To Order Fashion
In Autumn of 2022, I connected with the fabulous Jen Whitehouse of Zoe Clare in Leura. We chatted about how I could start creating a line of women's clothing made by me, and so a new chapter for me in garment design and sewing began!
From sourcing fabrics and labels and product testing over the winter months, the first release of Honey & Rose made to order clothing the Olivia Top & Pants hit the racks at Zoe Clare in October 2022. And I'm so excited that they and are now available alongside other items in the made to order section of my own store website.
Having the confirmation in my size grading from PDF pattern drafting, allows me to creating garments that are made to order, true to size and capsule-based in design. These are things that I value when it comes to contributing towards a sustainable future, and as I design, cut and sew each garment myself, each piece is consciously created and made with extra attention to detail.

Thank you for visiting Honey & Rose and reading about my journey! If you would like to say hi, reach out to me on Instagram or Facebook ~ Rose
Photography by Maja Baska